Often when we get home from work or a long day, we like nothing better than to indulge in a nice hot shower. Now while we are not saying that your dog wants to unwind in the shower, most dog owners would agree that that their pooch is a much-loved member of the family. It is also a fact that dogs get dirty.

Rather than trying to wash your dog in your bath, why not consider using a purpose built dog shower.

What is a Dog Shower?

As the name suggests, a dog shower is a dedicated shower to wash and clean your dog. Otherwise, it is called a domestic dog wash station. They differ from unsupported pet sinks in that they are incorporated into the home plan.

While there are many purpose-built dog showers available, it is perfectly possible to build your own. In fact, all you need is a bit of creativity and some basic equipment. How much you spend is up to you depending on how lavish you want your dog shower to be. We would recommend a shower head that is not fixed to allow washing your dog from head to toe with ease.

You will need to consider where you are going to house your dog showering station. There is no doubt that having a boot room, utility room or garage space will make things easier but with a bit of thought, a dog shower could be placed in any convenient space.

Why Shower Your Dog?

Washing your dog regularly has several benefits. The most important one is that it will improve the quality of your dog's skin and fur.

Other than that, you will be able to spot any skin conditions or allergies much sooner when you wash your dog often. It will also stop any type of parasite from attaching to their skin.

Mud! Let’s face it. It is almost impossible to avoid. Walking your dog can often end up with muddy paws, cars, and houses. A dog shower will certainly help keep your carpets, floors, and furniture mud free.

Safety. Not only for your dog but also your own back. As raised platforms are often incorporated, it allows your dog at a more comfortable height. This makes it far easier to get your dog in and out safely. They are also easier on your back. Constant bending and twisting while washing your dog can take its toll on your back as well as your dog. The added benefit is that raised platforms are usually easier to clean too.

If making shower-time for you and your dog a stress-free experience is paramount, then choosing to buy or create a dog shower if a great idea. Here at UK Bathroom Store we have a wealth of experience in the bathroom industry including showers.