
  1. The Great Toilet Roll Debate – Over or Under?

    The Great Toilet Roll Debate – Over or Under?

    It feels as though this debate has been raging as long as the toilet roll has existed. Having your toilet roll facing out or in has sparked many arguments and even been discussed on popular TV programs such as Oprah. Well, regardless of all the debates, there actually is a definitive answer! According to the patent created by the toilet...
  2. Inexpensive and Easy Ways to Update Your Bathroom This Spring

    Inexpensive and Easy Ways to Update Your Bathroom This Spring

    It’s officially spring time now in the UK, and lambs are frolicking, birds tweeting, and flowers blooming. The great spring clean will have begun for many people, and it is a popular pursuit to update rooms with a fresh lick of paint, or some new curtains to match the season’s style. It’s often difficult however, to give the bathroom a...

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