Your bathroom is one of the most familiar places in your home. It’s a place of solitude, reflection, of relaxation after a long day and preparation for another day to come. It’s often a place people hurry through, but it doesn’t have to be.

champagne bucket

In this ongoing series, we’ll be taking a look at dream bathroom restoration projects. These are the kind of safe havens you can really relax in.

These are the fanciest of the fancy; the Bucket List Bathrooms.

Bucket List Bathroom #2: The Sumptuous Shower

Typically, a bathroom built around a shower is designed on the concept of efficiency; it’s all about getting people in and out in as short a time as possible without skimping on cleaning. The shower is seen as the faster way to be washed, and by and large no allowances are made for lingering under the spray enjoying the steady drum of warm water on your shoulder blades.

But there’s no reason whatsoever for that to be the case, and the humble shower can be every bit as luxurious and sensual as a bath. I’m not just thinking, here, of aromatic shower gels filling the air with beautiful scents or of expensive, soft shower sponges; the whole thing can be a feast for the senses from the bathroom itself up.

Walk-in showers are best for this, of course, as they give you room to move about and the confidence of knowing you’re not about to bang your elbow on something. A shower enclosure like, say, the Aquadart AQ2097 Walk-In & Side Floor to Ceiling Post – tasteful if simple in design, with a classic elegant style all its own – even opens up room to invite in someone else if that’s your kind of thing.

An excellent shower – personally I recommend one of our range of showers for the extra control over flow and temperature – lets you tailor your shower experience not just to your individual needs but your individual desires. The tasteful dark black-and-chrome detailing of the Sumptuous Shower plays well against both stronger pastel and deep, rich colours and perhaps some minimalist art elsewhere in the bathroom, completing the visual treat.

As ever a heated towel rail close at hand for those leaving the enclosure is a must. Ideally, it should be close enough that you can begin towelling off and exit, wrapped in a warm, soft towel, before leaving the warmth of the shower itself.

For shower tidy purposes in the Sumptuous Shower, we recommend something simple, elegant, and minimalist; something that won’t get in the way but will be there when you need it.